Friday, October 18, 2019

The business of Green Valley Bakers from the viewpoint of operations Research Paper

The business of Green Valley Bakers from the viewpoint of operations management - Research Paper Example The paper tells that quality management seems to have evolved out of the most simple and everyday principles- yet it is so difficult to achieve. Many bakeries have failed along the way, or settled to a life and existence that is less than perfect because they did not have the funds, will and desire to achieve the status reserved only for the best. But as Chez Van Dough and his family have always believed, fortune favors the bold and those who are perseverant will eventually be victorious. The important thing is never to lose hope or give up. It would have been so easy to call it quits or throw in the towel at any of the difficult moments along the process- and there have been many- but Chez and his business have survived. They have also learned important lessons along the way. These experiences, both good and bad, will be of use to them if they are ever faced with similar situations in the future. Operations management is often a complicated process and could involve breaking down th e most simple to the most complex processes and procedures to its various component parts so that the difficulties, ailments, and impediments in the processes and procedures could be identified and tackled effectively. This is why dealing with the various aspects of the quality improvement process like inventory management, capacity and forecasting, productivity and process improvement and finally, quality management is like solving a complex problem having many components and variables.... This is why dealing with the various aspects of the quality improvement process like inventory management, capacity and forecasting, productivity and process improvement and finally quality management are like solving a complex problem having many components and variables. The important thing is to decide what is best for the overall enterprise and which initiatives would have the most impact and long lasting benefits and to implement those only. Looking at the various aspects that led to the productivity and quality improvement revolution at Green Valley Bakers, we will come to the conclusion that it was the cumulative effort of the various initiatives like Productivity & Process Improvement, Inventory Management, Capacity & Forecasting and Quality Management that have made all the difference to the business. The company’s name is quite well known across California and there are orders from far and wide for their regular and specialty goods, like breads, cakes and pastries. I n addition, special orders come in too for birthdays, parties, anniversaries and other occasions. Green Valley Bakers has decided to open another production and sales outlet near the city where it can sell to regular customers as well as serve as a distribution point for the region. All present factors indicate that this decision was well timed and it is leading to even greater hype and demand for its products. Indeed, sometimes customers have to return disappointed when stock runs out of various items. There is even the possibility of booking special orders in advance via Green Valley Bakers website so the bakery is never at a loss for business. In fact, there are plans to expand

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