Tuesday, October 8, 2019

English essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

English - Essay Example This indicates that the value on nutrition is very high, thus, influencing the trend of the consumer’s choice of diet (Hoyer & Macinnis, 2008). Humans have a tendency to pursue what is pleasurable for them and to avoid things that can be painful or upsetting (Mooij, 2004). This is the hedonistic nature of man that governs his behaviors and actions, and influences his decisions. This greatly influences that buying behavior of man, which when studied and analyzed can be helpful for understanding the trends that will be beneficial in creating new products or improving current products. This indicates that hedonism is influential in the choice of purchases of a consumer. This signifies that consumers tend to be attracted to those products that they consider pleasurable or beneficial for their wellbeing. It is then, important to consider giving the consumers what they need in fulfilling this value. Having the nutritional value of the food the restaurant serves implies value for the consumer’s needs. Whether the dish is nutritious or not, it allows the consumer to understand and to know what they eat, and the implications of what they are eating. With this, consumers feel that their needs and wants are served, and that their choices are important for the management of the restaurant. Giving out the nutritional value does not necessarily mean that the restaurant needs to indicate this in the menu. What is important is that there is nutritional value on the dishes within the restaurants that the customers will be able to notice. There is awareness that there is such information within their grasps and it will be their choice whether or not to check it. This will allow the restaurant to minimize loses, when the customer chooses not to order say a high-priced item which has more calories than usual but satisfies his craving for sweets because of the information

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