Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining an Overview Research Paper

Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining an Overview - Research Paper Example Reference is also made to collective bargaining as an important aspect of labor relations. Moreover, the cost of labor contracts is analyzed, as possible, as this cost is differentiated across industries and enterprises. The examination and the analysis of the above elements of labor relations leads to the following assumption: labor relations are necessarily influenced by the local economy and social ethics, as this influence is reflected in the cost of labor contracts and the level of success of collective bargaining. From this point of view any effort for the improvement of labor relations would be based on the following criteria: close monitoring of the costs involved and cooperation with unions, as representatives of an important part of the local population. The form of labor relations worldwide is based on similar criteria: the need for employee safety, for trust in the workplace and for increased protection of employees’ compensation, including salary and potential benefits. For many decades, legislators in all countries have tried to develop a legal framework for ensuring the protection of rights of both employers and employees, as incorporated in labor relations. However, the enforcement of relevant laws has been often proved problematic, a fact that is reflected in the high number of legal texts emphasizing on the particular sector. Moreover, it should be noted that the intervention of legislators and judges in labor conflicts has not been always in favor of employees. In the study of Holley, Jennings, and Roger it is mentioned that ‘in 1884 a judge in the state of Tennessee wrote: all may dismiss their employees at will’ (Holley, Jennings, and Roger 522). In any case, the need for effective management of labor relations, in all their aspects, has been a priority for politicians, legislators and theorists. An example is the theory

Monday, October 28, 2019

Alexander Hamilton Essay Example for Free

Alexander Hamilton Essay There are four reasons why Alexander Hamilton argued in favor of the development of manufacturing. His first reason was that manufacturing would help the economy. The economy would grow financially and manufacturing would cause more trade. His second reason was that manufacturing would bring down tariffs, which would cause more trade and jobs. His third reason was that manufacturing would bring more immigration to the â€Å"Young America†. With the new population it will expand America and open more areas for trade. His last reason was employment. Having manufacturing would create more jobs through farming and factories. Alexander Hamilton’s way of helping the United States Government was very wise. Hamilton reasoned that helping the Government would secure American independence. He thought that the United States needed to have a sound policy of encouraging the growth of manufacturing and at the same time he wanted to make sure that the United States’ future was still strong. He argued for the development of manufacturing because he believed that he could achieve the subsidies of the economy by giving away tariffs. He thought that if the United States government gave high tariffs then no one would want to trade with the United States. He also believed that his polices would not only help trade but help other weaknesses of the economy such as employment and immigration. These policies would not only promote the growth of manufacturing but provide diversified employment opportunities and promote immigration into the â€Å"Young America†. They would also expand the applications of technology and science for all quarters of the economy, including agriculture. The Industrial Revolution was the most important development during the 19th century. It brought many changes towards American Life. A new class of industrial engineers organized the land, labor, mineral resources, and capital of the nation, to maximize both the production and profit. There were many new inventions in, transportation and communication, and in the use of the assembly-line techniques that made the growth of huge, nationally based industries with enormous financial and political influence. A group of small independent farmers, craft workers, and merchants became one big business for industrial centers. Immigrants and farmers alike poured into large industrial centers to compete for jobs.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

life of US soldier :: essays research papers

The quality of life of the single soldiers in the Army is at an all time high. Never before has there been such an effort to increase the quality of life as we have had in the last few years. From 1998-1999 the army spent nearly $600 million in new barracks construction or renovations to older barracks, building 30,000 1 + 1 spaces for junior enlisted. The command here at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center has also tried to keep the permanent party soldiers in a 1 + 1 style of living even though current events have forced some changes. Today we are finding fewer places that still have 4 per room or a common latrine for the floor. We have kitchens, laundry rooms with easy access, and a decent day room. And while they are not always up to a standard we expect, it’s only because the soldiers that use them fail to keep them clean or take care of the equipment in them. Unfortunately despite all the changes to recent policies and the continuing improvement in the barracks there are still several areas that I would like to see improved. In terms of our living areas the main issue is privacy and morale. The command does not abuse the use of inspections because they are a necessity, but they do not consider the fact that some jobs in the hospital operate on a 24 hour basis. For example while working night shift you may wish to sleep from 1000 till 1600. Since there are shift workers who are home during the day, or people who come home for their lunch break you are forced to deal with loud music or yelling outside, not to mention traffic. But worse then that, if there is a room inspection or furniture check, you also have to deal with people walking into your room, usually around 1100-1400. It’s obvious where the problem is with shift workers. This could be easily fixed by starting earlier such as at 0830-0900 or even just starting at 1000 while going to the night shift personnel’s rooms first. This would eliminate being disturbed during sleep time and still show that the command cares about the welfare and morale of its soldiers. When considering the quality of life of single soldiers, you must also look at programs offered to them. This area we also find to be lacking.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Friendship Among Children

Friendship among children Establishing friendships is an important developmental goal of early childhood. Friendships established during the preschool years create valuable contexts to learn and practice skills essential to children’s social, cognitive, communicative, and emotional development (Berndt & Keefe, 1992). Through interacting with friends, children learn the give and take of social behavior in general. They learn how to set up rules, how to weigh alternatives and make decisions when faced with dilemmas.They experience fear, anger, aggression and rejection (Hartup, & Stevens, 1999). Friendships also benefit children by creating a sense of belonging. Through friendships and belonging to a group, children improve their sense of self-esteem. The support of friends help children cope with troubling times and through transition times – moving up to a new school, entering adolescence, dealing with family stresses, facing disappointments.In addition, successful frien dships in early childhood contribute to children’s quality of life and are considered important to life adjustment. Friendships are not just a luxury; they are a necessity for healthy psychological development. During the elementary school years children generally choose friends who are similar to themselves and who share their interests. At this age children become increasingly group-oriented; the most well-liked children are those who can manage social relations within a group and think of activities that are fun.Research shows that children with friends have a greater sense of well-being, better self-esteem and fewer social problems as adults than individuals without friends (Hartup & Stevens, 1999). On the other hand, children with friendship problems are more likely than other children to feel lonely, to be victimized by peers, to have problems adjusting to school, and to engage in deviant behaviors (Rose & Asher, 2000). Children who were completely isolated and had no f riends would go into depression as they made their way through the teenage years.Belonging to a group, whether a sports team, school club, or a class project, they all provide a sense of belonging and is not just a means for exclusion. Between the ages of 10 to 12 cliques form; as children mature and rely less on their parents for guidance, they turn to their peers (Ladd, 1990). Groups become more single-gender; girls usually have more intimate and supportive relationships with their friends than boys do. Their play roups reflect this difference; boys tend to associate with peers in large groups centered on sports while girls are more likely to be involved in small groups and spend more time in personal conversation. Girls' friendship groups are usually smaller and more exclusive than boys' during childhood, and then in adolescence the situation reverses (Rose & Asher, 2000). Groups are a naturally occurring phenomenon. Some kids, who care about belonging to a certain group, suffer from feelings of rejection if they are not included and can become victims of  teasing and bullying.When cliques turn aggressive they may become gangs. Overall, the concepts of friendship and the behaviors associated with friendship change as children develop. It’s based largely on companionship. Learning how to behave socially with other kids and becoming part of a group helps the child build a strong connection between his friends. ‘ Work Cited * Berndt,TJ & Keefe, K (1992) Friends' influence on adolescents' perceptions of themselves in school. In DH Schunk & JL Meece (Eds. )  Student Perceptions in the Classroom  (pp. 1-73). Hillsdale NJ: Erlbaum * Hartup, WW & Stevens, N (1999) Friendships and adaptation across the life span. Current directions in psychological science. 8, 3, 76-79. * Ladd, GW (1990) Having friends, keeping friends, making friends, and being liked by peers in the classroom: Predictors of children's early school adjustment? Child Development, 6 7,1081-1100. * Rose, AJ ; Asher, SR. (2000) Children's friendships. In  Close Relationships: A Sourcebook  . Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Beowulf Movie Review

In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements In English MOVIE REVIEW Of BEOWULF Merry Anjela M. MendozaSeptember 16, 2011 Ms. Maria Dolores Fiao-ag Introduction Beowulf is an epic from England. It is a story of a brave man who killed many monsters and died defending from a dragon. It is also a great story of adventure. From an old English poem, it became a 3D movie with the faces of real actors and actresses. Although there has a difference from the original poem, it still showed great and it attracted wide audiences. Throughout the movie review, I gave my own opinions about the movie especially in the effects, how the characters played their role, and how they captured the eye of the audiences. Movie Review The Movie Beowulf is a three dimensional movie directed by Robert Zemeckis. It was inspired by an Ancient English poem and known as the epic of England. Unlike the other 3D movies, the characters here are based from the faces of real artists. The settings played on Denmark, A. D. 507. The movie was released on November 16, 2007. My Opinion For me, the use of real faces of the artists is nice and the outfits matched the role of the characters especially for the role of Grendel who has a performance capture suit which represents a sad creature. His face and body was altered to fit his role. I also like the look of Grendel’s mother which was Angelina Jolie with her golden fitted outfit but I don’t understand why does she is wearing a high heels which was not yet popular during that times. The Expected Audiences Beowulf was rated as PG-13 which means that all people are allowed to watch the movie but children below thirteen years old must be given a parental guidance due to some violences including disturbing scenes and sexual interruptions. The Outline Scene 1- Celebration at the mead hall Scene 2- Grendel attacked the hall Scene 3- Beowulf arrived in Denmark Scene 4- Beowulf fights Grendel Scene 5- Grendel died and his mother revenged by killing people. Scene 6- Grendel’s mother seduced Beowulf Scene 7- Celebration at the hall Scene 8- Hrothgar killed himself Scene 9- Beowulf become the king and married Wealtheow Scene 10- The Dragon attacked the hall Scene 11- Beowulf entered the lair of the Dragon Scene 12- Battle between Beowulf and the Dragon Scene 13- The Dragon died together with Beowulf Scene 14- Funeral pyre for Beowulf Actors/Actresses Ray Winstone- Beowulf Crispin Glover- Grendel Angelina Jolie- Grendel’s mother Anthony Hopkins- King Hrothgar John Malkovich- Unferth Brendan Gleeson-  Wiglaf Robin Wright Penn-   Queen Wealtheow Alison Lohman- Ursula Costas Mandylor  Ã¢â‚¬â€œHondshew The Structure Beowulf 3D movie is based from an Old English poem which was considered as epic of England. Based on my research, it was written between the  8th  and 11th centuries A. D. , and it is the oldest surviving piece of  English  literature. The general events of the poem were adapted into an  animated  action-adventure movie  in  2007. But there are many changes in this movie from the real epic which is not good for me because they must show the real essence of this epic tale. For the scene transitions, for me nothing is wrong and everything was just made right. The Cinematography At the first time I saw the movie, I thought that the characters here are real but it was truly an animated movie. The light and special effects are great especially when Grendel attacked the hall which brought a lot of intense. I also like how they covered Beowulf’s manhood in many scenes in this movie. Also, for me, the battle between Beowulf and the Dragon was a great scene especially when they fight in the mid air and the Dragon was shot by hundreds of arrows. The look of the past can be seen with the images but it lacks the essence of the vision, the ancient stones, and the sacral light which are essential part for a tragic tale. But besides that, it still looks great and every scene was taken carefully that keeps their audiences attached to the movie. The Music Background For me, the soundtrack was not that good but the sound effects throughout the movie are really nice. I can’t even remember the soundtrack or the music played in this movie. So it is really a great factor that every director must consider so that the audiences will be keeping in touch with the movie. Conclusion I therefore conclude that Beowulf movie, as a whole, is a great animated epic tale with just some revisions from the original one is still a great movie and very fun to watch. Mr. Robert Zemeckis and the other producers and casts had job well done. They were able to show the audiences the story of a brave man who fought and died in killing monsters. Vocabularies: 1. Mead- a fermented beverage made of water and honey, malt, and yeast 2. Heave- to move a ship in a specified direction or manner 3. Thane- one resembling a feudal baron by holding lands of and performing military service for the king 4. Reek- a strong or disagreeable fume or odor 5. Troll- to sing the parts of (as a round or catch) in succession 6. Gobble-   to swallow or eat greedily . Vexes-   to bring trouble, distress, or agitation 8. Whore-   a male who engages in sexual acts for money 9. Shrink- to contract or curl up the body or part of it 10. Gouger- to scoop out with or as if with a gouge 11. Vomit-   to disgorge the stomach contents 12. Fallible-   capable of making a mistake 13. Flawed- a defect in physical structure or form 14. Fierce-   violently hostile or aggressive in temperament 15. Teeming-   to become filled to overflowing 16. Hasty-   done or made in a hurry 17. Glamour-   an exciting and often illusory and romantic attractiveness 18. Corpse-   a dead body especially of a human being 19. Hag- an ugly, slatternly, or evil-looking old woman 20. Heir- one who inherits or is entitled to inherit property 21. Slaughter-   the act of killing 22. Bard- a tribal poet-singer skilled in composing and reciting verses on heroes and their deeds 23. Feeble-   markedly lacking in strength 24. Bollocks-   make  a  mess  of,  destroy  or  ruin 25. Mock-   to treat with contempt or ridicule 26. Martyr-   a person who sacrifices something of great value and especially life itself for the sake of principle 27. Slip-   to pass quickly or easily away 28. Talon-   the claw of an animal and especially of a bird of prey 29. Groat- a grain (as of oats) exclusive of the hull 30. Fornication- consensual sexual intercourse between two persons not married to each other Acknowledgement This Movie Review would not be possible without the Beowulf and Clash of the Titans cd which was borrowed from Ms. Hannah Alvendia and from my neighbor Thea Abella. I also want to acknowledge GOOGLE for the scripts of this film where I got the vocabularies and for giving some ideas on hot to make a movie review. And of course, I would also like to acknowledge our English teacher, Ms. Maria Dolores Fiao- ag for giving us this opportunity to make this kind of movie review. Movie Review The Movie Clash of the Titans is a 2010 fantasy film which is a remake of the 1981 film of the same name. It is about the Greek myth of Perseus, a demigod and it was directed by Louis Leterrier. The film was originally set for standard release on March 26, 2010. It was later announced that the film would be converted to 3-D and expected release on April 2, 2010 My Opinion For me, the story was really great but actors did not portray their roles well. They can deliver the lines well but they lack of emotions. Just like Beowulf, Clash of the Titans remake had also differences from the original and for me; it is not a big deal unlike the other comments that I had red that they always compare it to the original one and they say that it had no notable delivery. The Expected Audiences Clash of the Titans was rated as PG-13 which means that all people are allowed to watch the movie but children below thirteen years old must be given a parental guidance due to fantasy action violence, some frightening images and brief sensuality. The Outline Scene 1- Narration of the battle between the Olympians and the Titans Scene 2- Spyros found Perseus and his dead mother Danae Scene 3- Soldiers destroying the statue of Zeus Scene 4- Hades killed the people and Perseus’ family Scene 5- Feast at the castle of Argos Scene 6- Hades entered and threatens them Scene 7- Perseus led a quest in killing the Kraken Scene 8- Perseus encountered Calibos and a scorpion Scene 9- Djinn helped in their battle against the big scorpions Scene 10- Arrived at Garden of Sygia Scene 11- Went to Medusa and cut her head. Scene 12- Calibos killed Io Scene 13- The Kraken was released Scene 14- Perseus arrived at Argos and killed the Kraken Scene 15- Perseus banishes Hades back to the Underworld Scene 16- Perseus saved Andromeda under the sea Scene 17- Zeus and Perseus met again and Io was resurrected. Actors/Actresses Sam Worthington  as  Perseus Gemma Arterton  as  Io AlexaDavalos  as  Andromeda Jason Flemyng  as  Acrisius/Calibos Tine Stapelfeldt  as  Danae Nicholas Hoult  as Eusebius Hans Matheson  as Ixas Liam Cunningham  as Solon Liam Neeson  as  Zeus Ralph Fiennes  as  Hades Ian Whyte  as Sheikh Sulieman Pete Postlethwaite  as Spyros Elizabeth McGovern  as Marmara Polly Walker  as  Cassiopeia Vincent Regan  as  Kepheus Luke Treadaway  as Prokopion Danny Huston  as  Poseidon Natalia Vodianova  as  Medusa The Structure Clash of The Titans is a mythical Greek tale about a demigod named Perseus, son of Zeus and Danae. It was actually a 2D movie but it was later converted in 3D. Inmy research, Leterrier approached the studio early on about a 3D conversion but it was expensive and very new technology. After  Avatar, the studio put pressure on Leterrier to convert the film. He was worried because of his previous concerns but was convinced after seeing the View-D conversion process. The transitions of scenes are good but sometimes it is boring to watch because some lacks emotion. The Cinematography The cinematography by Peter Menzies Jr is nicely done, adding some gorgeous scenery to the mythological soap opera. Louis Leterrier handles the directing task equally well, proving up to the job of helming a big production. The one major sequence with Perseus riding Pegasus through Argos chasing down the flying henchbeasts is simply beautiful. But some scenes look very pale to me and lacks of suspense and intense. Despite its general failure, some scenes from  Clash of the Titans  remain memorable. Chief among them is the duel with Medusa, a scene that ripples with tension. Sadly, the battle with the Kraken lacks a similar sense of danger. The Music Background The music background and the sound effects are good making it exciting, and adding atmosphere to the Greek mythological aspect of the film. The soundtracks are well suited to the scenes but I’m finding more suspense in some scenes especially in battles. Conclusion As a summary, Clash of the Titans movie contain a really great story, and has good visual and sound effects. I really like the action scenes which are really great. But the acting is mercurial, some are good, and some are bad. The director brought nothing really new that will make us amaze, but aside from these, everything was perfect. Vocabularies: 1. Frail-   physically weak 2. Defiance- disposition to resist  :  willingness to contend or fight 3. Awe- an emotion variously combining dread, veneration, and wonder that is inspired by authority or by the sacred 4. Insolence-an instance of insolent conduct or treatment 5. Legion- a large military force 6. Demigod-   a mythological being with more power than a mortal but less than a god 7. Whirled-   to turn on or around an axis like a wheel   8. Plaint-   to express sorrow audibly . Tyranny- oppressive power 10. Colossal- of a bulk, extent, power, or effect approaching or suggesting the stupendous or incredible 11. Agony-   intense pain of mind or body 12. Torment-   the infliction of torture 13. Limbus- the marginal region of the cornea of the eye by which it is continuous with the sclera 14. Reek- a strong or disagreeable fume or odor 15. Conjurer- one that performs feats of sleight of hand and illusion 16. Clever- skillful or adroit in using the hands or body   17. Ferryman- a person who operates a  ferry 18. Feat-   a deed notable especially for courage 19. Mundane- of, relating to, or characteristic of the world 20. Sympathetic-   existing or operating through an affinity, interdependence, or mutual association 21. Spare-   to forbear to destroy, punish, or harm 22. Bounty-   something that is given generously 23. Filth-   moral corruption or defilement 24. Whip-   to take, pull, snatch, jerk, or otherwise move very quickly and forcefully 25. Kraken- a fabulous Scandinavian sea monster 26. Speck-   a very small amount 27. Siege- a persistent or serious attack 28. Affront-   to insult especially to the face by behavior or language 29. Lance-   to throw forward 0. Plague- a disastrous evil or affliction Introduction Clash of the Titans is a fantasy film based on the Greek myth of Perseus. This was just a remake of 1981 film of the same name. This movie also talks about the war between the man and the Greek Gods. Perseus embarks on a perilous journey to stop the underworld and its minions from spreading their evil to Earth as well as the heavens. Throughout this movie review, I had showed my opinions and my criticisms about this movie- the cinematography, structure, music background, and even the acting of the characters. MOVIE REVIEW Of CLASH OF THE TITANS

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Torque physics lab report Essay Example

Torque physics lab report Essay Example Torque physics lab report Paper Torque physics lab report Paper The purpose of this experiment was to help understand torque by not only measuring it but also by manipulating and adjusting the weights experimentally. Procedure In order to perform all the procedures a few instruments were required a meter stick, a triple beam balance, suspension clamps and their stirrups, a knife edge, as well as weights of 50 and 100 grams and a spring scale. The meter stick was weighed (without the clamp), and its center of gravity was found (its not usually exactly at 50cm), the 6 clamps were weighed as well. For the first part the meter stick was put on 35cm and a 100g weight was adjusted until the center of balance was found, the position was recorded, this was than done with 150g and 50g. Once the values were recorded the weight of the bar was calculated and the average was found. For the next part of the experiment three weights were attached anywhere on the bar, the center one was adjusted till there was equilibrium and than the force was measured with a spring scale. The numbers were recorded and the weights of down and upward forces were measured as well as the clockwise and counter clockwise torques. For the last part of the experiment six clamps were arranged on the bar( with weights on them ) so that one was at 10cm and one at 90cm and the rest were spread in between , one end was supported by the knife edge and the other by the spring scale. The forced shown by the scale was recorded, the ends were than switched and the force was once again recorded. Calculations were than done to verify the sum of the torque was that of the reading on the spring scale as well as that the total sum of the weights was compared via calculation to the upward force shown. Data/Analysis Part I: Prep Part II: Calculating the weight of the meter bar by balancing torque (mb): (mc= mass of clamp, g = acceleration due to gravity) Table 1: Determination of Meter Weight by Balancing to Torque (Experimental) m= mass of weights (g) x= Clamp Position from knife edge (cm) mb= Weight of Meter Bar from Balancing Torque (g) Position on meter stick (cm) r= position from axis of rotation (m) (N*m)96 Questions: The motion of the rigid system will move up in the counter clockwise direction if the condition for equilibrium is not satisfied in which the spring has greater force. The opposite will happen if the meter bar and weights have a greater force than the spring. The same goes for the Torque. If the second condition for equilibrium is not satisfied and there is greater torque of the spring, the system will move in the counter clockwise motion and will move clockwise if the Torque is greater for the meter bar. The motion of the rigid system will move in the same fashion as described above if neither of the conditions for equilibrium are satisfied. If there are equal numbers of suspension clamps on each side of the support with the same weight, their weights can be omitted from the calculations because the weights can be factored out and be eliminated from the way the force and torque equations are set-up. Regardless, they should total to zero. When the center of gravity of the meter bar was determined in Part I, the bar was supported at a point coinciding with the center of gravity. If the clamp were to have been inverted, where the bar is supported at a point above the center of gravity, you wouldnt een be able to balance the meter bar because it is not in the center of gravity it would just be slack and hang down. Therefore you wouldnt even find the accurate position where it is level. This would have skewed the results, making inaccurate readings and calculations. In part IV, if the meter bar were to be held at an incline of 30 degrees angle above the horizontal by the spring balance, the spring balance reading would remain the same because the force of the spring is just m*g, which remains the same even if you change the angle. The mass and acceleration due to gravity remains constant. However, Torque changes (t=r(F*sin(? )) since angle comes into account. Figure: Conclusion In the study of this lab, torque was observed by measuring, manipulating, and adjusting the weights on the meter bar. The weight of the meter bar was found by experimentally calculating the torque. Comparing the actual weight of the meter bar and the experimental values, the percent error was only 5. 96%-14. %. This percent error is low enough to be negligible and to confirm the equation used for Part II. In Part III and IV, the forces acting on the meter stick are in the vertical direction. Since the meter stick was level, the angle was 180 degrees meaning the force acted on the axis on either side of the center of balance. The experiment should have observed that the net force and net torque acting on the meter stick is equaled to zero. However, experimental results show that the net force is not zero. The net torque is not zero as well. However, the net torque value approaches zero more than the experimental values do. Therefore, the torque equation may be confirmed in this experiment, but the force equation cannot because the values are too far from zero. This may be because the presence of error in this lab is high. Errors occurred in this lab are due to inaccurate measurements of position. It was difficult to keep the meter bar steady to find where the stick is level. Also, there may have been something wrong with the balance and springs because they are very old, rusted equipment and may not work as accurately as they did when they were new. Overall, we were able to understand the concept of torque, even if there were errors in our experiment.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Young Goodman Brown Goodman Brown Essays - Abrahamic Religions

Young Goodman Brown Goodman Brown Essays - Abrahamic Religions Young Goodman Brown Goodman Brown Young Goodman Brown is a moral story that is told through the perversion of a religious leader. In Young Goodman Brown, Goodman Brown is a Puritan minister who lets his excessive pride in himself interfere with his relations with the community after he meets with the devil, and causes him to live the life of an exile in his own community. Young Goodman Brown begins when Faith, Brown's wife, asks him not to go on an errand. Goodman Brown says to his love and (my) Faith that this one night I must tarry away from thee. When he says his love and his Faith, he is talking to his wife, but he is also talking to his faith to God. He is venturing into the woods to meet with the Devil, and by doing so, he leaves his unquestionable faith in God with his wife. He resolves that he will cling to her skirts and follow her to Heaven. This is an example of the excessive pride because he feels that he can sin and meet with the Devil because of this promise that he made to himself. There is a tremendous irony to this promise because when Goodman Brown comes back at dawn; he can no longer look at his wife with the same faith he had before. When Goodman Brown finally meets with the Devil, he declares that the reason he was late was because Faith kept me back awhile. This statement has a double meaning because his wife physically prevented him from being on time for his meeting with the devil, but his faith to God psychologically delayed his meeting with the devil. The Devil had with him a staff that bore the likeness of a great black snake. The staff which looked like a snake is a reference to the snake in the story of Adam and Eve. The snake led Adam and Eve to their destruction by leading them to the Tree of Knowledge. The Adam and Eve story is similar to Goodman Brown in that they are both seeking unfathomable amounts of knowledge. Once Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge they were expelled from their paradise. The Devil's staff eventually leads Goodman Brown to the Devil's ceremony which destroys Goodman Brown's faith in his fellow man, therefore expelling him from his utopia. Goodman Brown almost immediately declares that he kept his meeting with the Devil and no longer wishes to continue on his errand with the Devil. He says that he comes from a race of honest men and good Christians and that his father had never gone on this errand and nor will he. The Devil is quick to point out however that he was with his father and grandfather when they were flogging a woman or burning an Indian village, respectively. These acts are ironic in that they were bad deeds done in the name of good, and it shows that he does not come from good Christians. When Goodman Brown's first excuse not to carry on with the errand proves to be unconvincing, he says he can't go because of his wife, Faith. And because of her, he can not carry out the errand any further. At this point the Devil agrees with him and tells him to turn back to prevent that Faith should come to any harm like the old woman in front of them on the path. Ironically, Goodman Brown's faith is harmed because the woman on the path is the woman who taught him his catechism in youth, and was still his moral and spiritual adviser. The Devil and the woman talk and afterward, Brown continues to walk on with the Devil in the disbelief of what he had just witnessed. Ironically, he blames the woman for consorting with the Devil but his own pride stops him from realizing that his faults are the same as the woman's. Brown again decides that he will no longer to continue on his errand and rationalizes that just because his teacher was not going to heaven, why should he quit my dear Faith, and go after her. At this, the Devil tosses Goodman Brown his staff (which will lead

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Real Talk Is grad school worth it

Real Talk Is grad school worth it It comes with a high price tag and time commitment, but lots of jobs seem to want a degree beyond a bachelor’s or associate’s. So, is grad school worth it? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the simple answer is yes. Those with doctoral degrees, professional degrees, or master’s degrees have higher median usual weekly earnings and lower unemployment rates. While there are counterpoints to this idea (like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, or Oprah, who made their wild successes without obtaining any degrees in higher education) and data showing that an electrician or plumbing apprenticeship may be a better investment than either a B.A. or a Ph.D., generally speaking the higher degree of learning you have, the higher your weekly income.But this is all in the abstract- and your real-life situation may not appear so simple as a bar chart. What about the tuition costs, the investment of your time and effort, the job opportunities and earning years you give up in the m eantime, and the possibility that it might not work out the way you want?The question most people need to ask first is: can I afford the short-term pain for the potential long-term gain? There are also differences in every industry and every degree program- some, like a medical degree, will get you a monetary return on investment sooner than an MFA in painting. Earnings vary by industry, demographics, and location, and of course by individual, and a graduate degree does not automatically line your pockets with more cash each week. (In the short-term, it will do the exact opposite.) Degrees also gain and lose earning potential over time; going to law school was a much better bet in the year 2000, before natural learning search algorithms eliminated much of the entry-level work, than it is today. You may also consider other factors like the value the graduate degree has beyond earning potential.But no matter what type of degree you seek, it is work and it is a gamble. So here are a fe w factors to consider before you fill out your FAFSA and brush up on your math skills for the GRE.If you are currently employed and the company will pay for it:Take advantage of professional advancement programs within your current job. If your employer helps pay for grad school and you can juggle courses and your day job, then go for it. This helps take care of one of the main drawbacks of graduate school: going broke. Depending on the degree program, universities might even offer stipends and assistantships.Getting funding assistance of any kind is one of the key bonuses that can help you get that degree to take you further in your professional endeavors. And, if you can remain gainfully employed while seeking a degree, your personal risk is considerably diminished. At the very least, you won’t need to find a new job if the degree program does not pan out.If you consider your qualifications for future positions:For some positions, you simply need a graduate degree. Libraria n? Yes. Architect? Yes. Doctor? Yes. If the dream job you always see posted on your favorite job website requires a graduate degree, then it’s time to seriously consider investing in that future to make the dream achievable. The trickiness of the situation comes when you make yourself overqualified for other positions. For example, if you have a graduate degree in marketing, but have no job experience, you may be screened out of the applicant pool for entry-level jobs. In cases like this, it is vital to explore internship opportunities while in school and cultivate real-world work experience too.If the degree has value beyond earning potential:If you simply have a love of learning or a passion you want to follow, is it worth it? This is the case where â€Å"worth† may be defined beyond the monetary value. This means you will enjoy grad school with its challenges, but you may set yourself back monetarily for a few years. If you want a degree in art history, thereâ€℠¢s no guarantee you will ever get a job as a museum conservator. You may still end up with a sales job and a vast knowledge of 16th century painters in your head.Beyond personal enrichment, there are other types of value for a graduate degree- for example, if the program offers good connections and internships. This can help with careers that are harder to break into like television, acting, or journalism.If you consider the money now vs. money in the future:Degrees with more immediate pipelines to job opportunities (like nursing, law school, or an MBA program) tend to charge tuition; artist’s MFA degrees or a PhD in academic subjects that are less market-oriented tend to offer tuition remission, stipends, assistantships or on-campus jobs. (If they don’t, then it’s much less worth it; don’t go into debt for a nonprofessional graduate degree!) If you’re not in a professional degree program, the lean years may extend a bit longer beyond grad school, and you may only gain success years later as you work towards your goal around your day job.If you are considering using the degree to teach at the college level:The job market for professors has stagnated over the last decade, with a severe glut of degree holders and a dearth of jobs teaching full-time in university departments. Increasingly those earning a PhD in programs of study that can last 5-10 years are seeking out â€Å"alt-ac† jobs- meaning nonacademic jobs- or spending years doing low-wage, low-security teaching work before leaving the profession. Do the research on your field and its job prospects before you commit to spending so many of your prime earning years in graduate school for a teaching career that might never materialize, no matter how smart you are or hard you try.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

China Is Going to Become the Next Superpower Assignment

China Is Going to Become the Next Superpower - Assignment Example Before embarking a discussion specifically in a China-centric context, it will be really pragmatic to delineate the salient characteristics of a superpowerFirst and foremost, a superpower always has a robust and stable economy that is sufficient enough to churn out the resources for its fast-expanding ambitions. A superpower is also backed by a strong army, navy and air force that could well do the job of projecting it as a power throughout the world. A superpower also needs to have a strong and well-developed culture that is worthy of extending the requisite philosophical and ideological influences, that well demark and define the approach and strategy of that superpower. Geography can certainly play role in consolidating and encouraging the superpower status of a country, as it did in the case of the erstwhile USSR and the USA. A country that has a vast sea and land area under its control is mostly not only endowed with abundant and rich natural resources but does also enjoy a dist inct tactical advantage in the case of a war. If one takes into consideration the contemporary economic and military power of China and the other related attributes like culture, geography and the like, no doubt China qualifies to be an ideal candidate for becoming the superpower of the future (Mahtaney 7).  Also, not only the Chinese goods are flooding the Western markets, but rather China has emerged as a manufacturing hub for the entire world. China also has embarked on an ambitious plan to modernize its military. It goes without saying that in the recent times, China’s sway in the world affairs has increased over time and China is doing its best to gain a strategic edge not only over its rivals in Asia but also over the Western powers (Mahtaney 4). All these facts constitute a good reason as to why China is poised to achieve a superpower status in the future. China’s Economy In the last three decades, China’s economic growth has been quietly impressive and the nation does seem to have the potential to sustain this growth in the times to come. Simply speaking, China has one big population that not only serves the purpose of creating a big and lucrative domestic market but also extends to China ready access to cost-effective and affordable labor. Not to mention that China is a country endowed with ample natural resources and big sea and land area, which further contribute to and facilitate its economic growth. It was Deng Xiaoping who introduced economic reforms in China in the late 70s. Since the introduction of these reforms, the Chinese economy has developed spectacularly. In the period 1979-1993, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of China registered an average growth rate of 9.3 percent (Cass, Williams & Barker 91). It was indeed a great achievement, going by the fact that in the same time period, the average growth rate of the entire world stood at 2.6 percent (Cass, Williams & Barker 91).  

Friday, October 18, 2019

The business of Green Valley Bakers from the viewpoint of operations Research Paper

The business of Green Valley Bakers from the viewpoint of operations management - Research Paper Example The paper tells that quality management seems to have evolved out of the most simple and everyday principles- yet it is so difficult to achieve. Many bakeries have failed along the way, or settled to a life and existence that is less than perfect because they did not have the funds, will and desire to achieve the status reserved only for the best. But as Chez Van Dough and his family have always believed, fortune favors the bold and those who are perseverant will eventually be victorious. The important thing is never to lose hope or give up. It would have been so easy to call it quits or throw in the towel at any of the difficult moments along the process- and there have been many- but Chez and his business have survived. They have also learned important lessons along the way. These experiences, both good and bad, will be of use to them if they are ever faced with similar situations in the future. Operations management is often a complicated process and could involve breaking down th e most simple to the most complex processes and procedures to its various component parts so that the difficulties, ailments, and impediments in the processes and procedures could be identified and tackled effectively. This is why dealing with the various aspects of the quality improvement process like inventory management, capacity and forecasting, productivity and process improvement and finally, quality management is like solving a complex problem having many components and variables.... This is why dealing with the various aspects of the quality improvement process like inventory management, capacity and forecasting, productivity and process improvement and finally quality management are like solving a complex problem having many components and variables. The important thing is to decide what is best for the overall enterprise and which initiatives would have the most impact and long lasting benefits and to implement those only. Looking at the various aspects that led to the productivity and quality improvement revolution at Green Valley Bakers, we will come to the conclusion that it was the cumulative effort of the various initiatives like Productivity & Process Improvement, Inventory Management, Capacity & Forecasting and Quality Management that have made all the difference to the business. The company’s name is quite well known across California and there are orders from far and wide for their regular and specialty goods, like breads, cakes and pastries. I n addition, special orders come in too for birthdays, parties, anniversaries and other occasions. Green Valley Bakers has decided to open another production and sales outlet near the city where it can sell to regular customers as well as serve as a distribution point for the region. All present factors indicate that this decision was well timed and it is leading to even greater hype and demand for its products. Indeed, sometimes customers have to return disappointed when stock runs out of various items. There is even the possibility of booking special orders in advance via Green Valley Bakers website so the bakery is never at a loss for business. In fact, there are plans to expand

Starting a Business Online Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Starting a Business Online - Assignment Example It is in this context that reselling of domain names to third parties, as mentioned in the case, is likely to increase the chances of fraudulent and miscommunication in the business process further leading to customer dissatisfaction. This can be considered as a legality constraint while selling a domain name (Clayton & Moore, 2011). In the referred case, the domain name of the organization can be identified playing a vital role to provide a professional appearance in the online business which can be more viable for the enterprise in its future conducts. However, the domain names also transmit some disputes along with it. For instance, the selling of domain names are often identified to increase the risks of subjectivity in terms that the future prospects of generating significant cash flows in future can raise confusions in calculating its proper valuation (Investopedia, 2012). Therefore, considering the future chances of generating larger cash flows and other constraints in terms o f subjectivity and legality, it would be a better decision not to sell the domain name at the quoted price. Answer 2 The catalog display in the e-commerce involve with the facilities to display the products or the features of providing services with regards to online sales. The concept of e-commerce entails with the visual communication about various products/services along with the different varieties, ingredients, and pricing options to the customers. The catalog display of e-business is one of the major tools which communicates and provides browsing options in order to assist the user in acquiring the desired products/services presenting additional and comprehensive information concerning promotional offers (Chopra, n.d.). Similarly, the shopping cart is also regarded as one of the major facets in the e-commerce business model. It assists the customers to maintain a track of the products purchased of those which have been selected for purchased through the electronic shopping car ts. It further allows the customers to check and recheck their purchases adding new items in the cart as well as, if wished, removing any products while making their ultimate purchases. This in turn can assist the organization to build up a productive relationship with its targeted customer group (King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, n.d.). Furthermore, the business transaction processing signifies the set of practice or actions of performed through online or e-commerce software. It is often regarded to act as a system which is performed as a base for other allied operations in the online e-commerce system and thus play a vital role in serving the customers in a better way. As customers are able to obtain superior quality assistance from the marketer through online sites owing to the virtues of transaction processing, organizational are also benefited in terms of enhanced customer satisfaction and loyalty (Becherer & Halstead, 2004). Answer 3 In this present competitive sce nario, the online business entrepreneurs must need to look after various criteria to facilitate the customers rendering them ease in accessing the site. Therefore, building the online website as per the customers’ convenience is one of the crucial factors to accumulate and sustain in the current competitive e-commerce portfolio. The initial step of instigating an e-business model is the registration of a special domain which should reflect the registered name of the organization. The next step

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Triangle Solutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Triangle Solutions - Essay Example (Brain, 2011) Triangle Solutions would design this park as such that it would be entertaining for both, the adults and children. The amusement park would be designed on the concept of â€Å"Lord of the Rings†. As amusement parks already exist on the concept of Disney and Harry Potter, other successful stories like â€Å"Lord of the Rings†, should also be given due attention, in the form of an amusement park. â€Å"Lord of the Rings† being a successful story and a trilogy of movies is very well-known by all and it has fans amounting to that of Star Wars and Harry Potter. The plan of the park would be based on the map of places mentioned in Lord of the Rings. The Amusement Park would welcome its customers with the â€Å"Shire†, the luscious green mountains and valleys where the main character Frodo Baggins lived. This place would include going through Frodo’s house, and the small pubs and houses present in the valley. Here, the journey of the Shire would end. Not to mention, that characters like Frodo Baggins, Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf the Grey, Peregrin Took, and Meriadoc Brandybuck would be present too, to give a feel of the Shire. Next would be the Elven forest of Lothlà ³rien, where the Lady Galadriel who took care of Frodo and bestowed him with gifts would be present to welcome the customers. The Fangorn Forest, where Frodo meets the giant talking trees the Ents, would be the next stop to give the park a more adventurous feel, with characters dressed up as these trees. Then the customers would move on to Helm’s Deep, the dark place underground where Sauron’s Orcs would surprise the customers as they surprised the character Frodo Then the city of Minas Tirith would loom in front of the people, the city which was situated on mountainous terraces, and was attacked by Sauron’s forces. Its majestic white towers would be there to welcome the customers as

Politics is to be done by one or a few, not by many Essay

Politics is to be done by one or a few, not by many - Essay Example According to Aristotle, individuals who are naturally able to come up with a generation of powerful and leading members of a community for political positions are chosen to represent the highest point in government (Aristotle, 80). These members of a community with exceptional attributes and features make leadership associated with only one or a few but not many. On the other hand, citizens who submit to be governed by these special leaders are placed on political command which implies that they are adapted for aristocracy. In addition to this, the leaders end up well-matched for constitutional freedom, existing naturally as a group capable of ruling and creating way for other well to do leaders (Aristotle, 81) Owing to this account, in case an entire family or one person turns out to be so preeminent leading to surpassing everyone else in a nation, then it is evident that they need to be royal families and ultimate to all. This is easily explained when one person stands and becomes a king of an entire country. Aristotle further suggests that giving select individuals an opportunity to lead is not only acceptable to the basis of right, which the initiators of all nations, whether aristocratic or oligarchic or in addition democratic, are familiar with, but works with the already established leadership policies. In fact, it is not justifiable to kill, or ostracize or put to exile this kind of person or suggest that they should take their turn in being ruled (Aristotle, 196).

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Triangle Solutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Triangle Solutions - Essay Example (Brain, 2011) Triangle Solutions would design this park as such that it would be entertaining for both, the adults and children. The amusement park would be designed on the concept of â€Å"Lord of the Rings†. As amusement parks already exist on the concept of Disney and Harry Potter, other successful stories like â€Å"Lord of the Rings†, should also be given due attention, in the form of an amusement park. â€Å"Lord of the Rings† being a successful story and a trilogy of movies is very well-known by all and it has fans amounting to that of Star Wars and Harry Potter. The plan of the park would be based on the map of places mentioned in Lord of the Rings. The Amusement Park would welcome its customers with the â€Å"Shire†, the luscious green mountains and valleys where the main character Frodo Baggins lived. This place would include going through Frodo’s house, and the small pubs and houses present in the valley. Here, the journey of the Shire would end. Not to mention, that characters like Frodo Baggins, Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf the Grey, Peregrin Took, and Meriadoc Brandybuck would be present too, to give a feel of the Shire. Next would be the Elven forest of Lothlà ³rien, where the Lady Galadriel who took care of Frodo and bestowed him with gifts would be present to welcome the customers. The Fangorn Forest, where Frodo meets the giant talking trees the Ents, would be the next stop to give the park a more adventurous feel, with characters dressed up as these trees. Then the customers would move on to Helm’s Deep, the dark place underground where Sauron’s Orcs would surprise the customers as they surprised the character Frodo Then the city of Minas Tirith would loom in front of the people, the city which was situated on mountainous terraces, and was attacked by Sauron’s forces. Its majestic white towers would be there to welcome the customers as

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Dealing with Stress and Violence in the Workplace Essay

Dealing with Stress and Violence in the Workplace - Essay Example ed of systems of interventions that are supposed to prevent the negative psychological reactions that arise from dealing with many critical incidents in the line of duty. The management tool is designed to address critical incident stress at an early stage to prevent post traumatic stress becoming permanent in exposed individuals. The tool facilitates the normal recovery of individuals, groups and organizations back to normalcy after a traumatic experience. The management tool also assists in the identification of personnel within an organization who need further attention in emotional support services or psychological treatment in severe cases (Human Resources Branch, 1997) A CISM program uses multidimensional approach to prevent post traumatic stress on personnel exposed to traumatic situations, the tool promotes pre-event stress and crisis management education, training and preparation for management of traumatic stress and incorporates planning and policy development to that effect. The programs have various interventions that are used when a traumatic event is happening, and interventions after the traumatic events have occurred. Many approaches and interventions are integrated together to form a systematic interlinked approach to management of stress (Mitchell, n.d). Stress management tools are expected to help individuals, emergency personnel groups and communities deal with the impact of critical incidents and enable them to live with some degree of normalcy after these events. Stress management tools reduce incidences of chronic stress in personnel, which has negative effects on an individual’s life. Yes; I believe that the stress management tool is useful in dealing with violence in the workplace because all employees are able to share their experiences which help in reducing psychological stress and promote faster healing. When used effectively, the CIS management tools allow early detection of employees suffering from post-traumatic stresses that

Monday, October 14, 2019

Feasibility Study Essay Example for Free

Feasibility Study Essay Technical Feasibility: It is technically possible to design a script remarking system because computers can be used to sort, search and update data input using a database management system such as Microsoft Access. The current hardware of the United Kingdom Awarding Body is sufficient, as all they will need to run the system is a computer (preferably with 64Mb RAM, 10Gb hard disk drive, 3.5/1.4Mb floppy disk drive and a 8Mb or higher graphics card), a standard keyboard and mouse, a printer and a visual display unit to run the system effectively and efficiently. Economic Feasibility: It is economically feasible to design and use this script remarking system because fewer people would need to be employed to do the work of remarking a script and producing the reports manually and more work can be done in a shorter time span, therefore also saving on overheads such as light and heating as well as employee wages, Legal Feasibility: It is legally feasible to use this script remarking system because all the data used will be used for the specific purpose of remarking the candidates script and nothing else. The data will not be kept longer than necessary and at the candidates request; the data may be destroyed after a certain period of time. The data is also secure as both administrators and clerical staff need to have their group name and passwords to log into the system successfully, but also the system database password, without both of these, the data cannot be accessed. Operational feasibility: Current work practices and procedures will benefit from the implementation of this new script remarking system as it allows more work to be done in a shorter time span, therefore providing a quicker and more efficient service to the candidates whose scripts are being remarked. The social factors will be greatly improved by the organisational change of using this remark system, both clerical and administration staff can get more work done in a smaller time period allowing more leisure time to the workers for the same amount of pay in wages. Schedule feasibility: The designing, testing and documentation of the script remarking system can be completed before the deadline, there are 6 weeks to complete this. Data Flow Diagram What are the user needs? The user needs an easy-to-learn and manageable interface to be able to monitor the UKABs (United Kingdom Awarding Body) post-examination remarks. In doing so, the user needs to be able to input data (candidate information, the original mark, the date the script was received, the remark mark and the date the script was marked) and get the desired outputs in queried reports. The user needs to know that all data entered will be secure and not tampered with or altered by hackers, so security measures have been taken. What Entities are to be considered? The entities to be considered for this system are: Script Request and Grade Criteria. The attributes to be considered for the Script Request entity are: * Candidate Number * Candidate Name (Forename Surname) * Centre Number * Subject Reference Code * Original Mark * Re-mark Mark (changed or unchanged) * Whether the centre requested the return of the script With the additional attributes of: * The date the script was received * The date the script was remarked Entity Relationship Diagram The attributes to be considered for the Grade Boundaries entity are: * Subject Reference Code * Grade Boundaries for grades A-E and U What procedures will be required to achieve the desired outputs? Clerical staff using the remark system will need to input the data required via forms using a keyboard and (or) a mouse. This will automatically update the queries in place, which will update the reports. The reports will then be outputted using a printer. Evaluation During this systems design, there were many problems encountered. When designing the entities, it was not known that many of the attribute lengths needed to be shortened to save memory, primary keys to ensure each record of data is unique or validation rules had to be set to decrease user errors. The attribute lengths, validation rules and primary keys were set during the design stage (See Validation). An entity had to be linked to another to allow data from one entity to appear several times in another entity and was used in querying. Reading into how linking entities was completed and the tables were linked successfully. Forms were designed to aid user input and stop clerks altering the design and (or) contents of each entity. At first, some buttons worked incorrectly, but were fixed once further reading into using and creating buttons was finished (See Design). Queries were designed to support the creation of reports. These queries search the entities for predefined criterion which is requested by the user. Some criterion needed much deliberation, such as the outstanding remarks query/report. Two extra attributes had to be considered and implemented, these were: script_received_date and script_remark_date. Then the query for remarks which took longer than 3 weeks could be completed, with the search criterion as follows: [Script_remark_date]-[Script_received_date]21 (See Design). Reports needed to be created, as they were the desired output to be sent off to the centres after scripts were remarked. Reports were created using the queries. A user interface was also designed to make the remarking system user friendly. At first, much like the forms, some buttons did not work correctly and there were other aesthetical issues also, such as a colour scheme for the interface. Buttons were fixed and a simple yet attractive colour scheme was chosen for the interface. Also there was difficulty in producing a suitable formula to calculate the original grades from the original marks and the re-mark mark and the re-mark grades. After consultation with a tutor, a solution was found and the following formula was devised: IIF(Expression), True, False. Afterwards, the grading formula was designed and is as follows: Grades:IIf([Original_Mark]=[A],A,IIf([Original_Mark]=[B],B,IIf([Original_Mark]=[C],C,IIf([Original_Mark]=[D],D,IIf([Original_Mark]=[E],E,U))))). A re-mark grading formula was also considered and implemented and is as follows: Remark_Grade: IIf([Re-mark_Mark]=[A],A,IIf([Re-mark_Mark]=[B],B,IIf([Re-mark_Mark]=[C],C,IIf([Re-mark_Mark]=[D],D,IIf([Re-mark_Mark]=[E],E,U))))). Effectiveness: The system re-grades papers and produces reports on the papers that are re-graded when candidate information is inputted via the candidate information input form. Usability: The system is easy for the users to use the interface, it has buttons which open files and forms and have a simplistic design and are attractive to use. Maintainability: The system will be easy to maintain because of its simplicity and will be easy to manipulate to accommodate new requests for different types of information without changing how the system runs excessively. Maintenance Perfective maintenance: For the perfective maintenance, the admin staff can change the queries that create the reports to get the desired results. I.e. changing a query so that the Scripts requested by a selected centre report shows a different centre. Adaptive maintenance: For the adaptive maintenance, staff could use new hardware to help reduce clerical errors. Staff could use OCR and MCR scanners to read the scripts information instead of inputting them manually and therefore reducing human errors.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Gulf War Was A Perfect Television War Media Essay

Gulf War Was A Perfect Television War Media Essay The media representation of wars has significantly changed over last years. Previously being just an instrument of coverage and propaganda, now media are considered a competent weapon. The war of real objects is partially being replaced by the war of pictures and sounds, information war (Virilio, 2002). On the one hand, information technologies can be regarded as humane weapon, because they lead to the fewer amounts of victims. On the other hand, they directly influence the mental structures, can fulfill the conscious with false images or distort the perceptions, spread moral panics or create virtual enemies and thus are an intelligent weapon of mass distruction. One of the famous works about the usage of information technologies in the war belongs to French sociologist Jean Baudrillard, and his concept of the Gulf War 1991 as the first television war will be assessed in the essay in correlation with his theories of hyper reality and simulacrum. Those concepts are applied to the media representation of the conflict in South Ossetia. The usefulness of the concept of television war for understanding modern conflicts is proved in conclusion. Hyper reality, simulacrum and information wars Philosophical approach of Baudrillards works is concentrated around two main notions -hyper reality and simulacrum. Both terms are related to the reality of the consumer society. According to Baurillard, we all live in the world, dominated by organized perceptions, while people loose an ability to perceive the real surrounding. Instead they face artificial or adapted environments: assembled chronicles of military operations, coverage of suicidal terrorist acts. Baudrillard (1996) claims that the reality is not only possible to represent, the reality should always be ready for representation and thus it becomes a hyper reality, existing only in simulation. It consists of media and cultural images that simulate the real world. Some of this images are representations of real objects, but aggressive information technologies, television and particularly advertisement create special images, deceiving representations of non-existing objects, which Baudrillard (1998), following Plato, calls simulacra. In postmodern culture, dominated by TV and Internet, the notions of true and false representations are destroyed, as people have access only to simulations of reality, which is no more real than the simulacra representing it. Moreover, we start to believe the maps of reality as more real than own experience and take the hyper reality as the actual environment (Mann, n.d.). Consequently, simulacra, which lost any connection to real things, dont have original or prototype, and can parallel some objects, change the notion of counterfeits or false. So a correlation appears that hyper reality becomes the battlefield and the simulacra the intellectual weapons in conflicts of all levels, from the business competition to wars between countries, which gradually turn into information wars. The most widespread technique of symbolic images usage in information war is propaganda, but now in the form of marketing or PR campaigns. Such campaigns provide the basis for military operations and are a perfect tool to make conform to one side or type of thinking. Thus they are the most integrated and hidden, but also the most pervasive parts of the new wars. The censorship is widespread, because the military-media campaigns require a gap between the event and the audience, and censorship breaks the flow of information, while propaganda specialists feed media with false information (Snow, 2003). In these terms coverage of military operations is now able to influence their process as it was, for example, in the movie Wag the dog, where imaginary war actions of American troops in Albania, staged to shift public interest from the reputation crisis of the president, led to real military response. So, the role of media in the modern wars is not limited to news coverage or propaganda, the media now should be regarded more likely as the fourth front of war. The reasons for it could be different. According to sociologist Paul Virilio (2002), the escalation of cybernetic wars of persuasion and propaganda is the result of graduate changes in weapons. The first, prehistorical, wars were tactical and used weapons of obstruction (ramparts, fortresses). The epoch of political wars made them strategic and reliable on weapons of destruction (bows, missiles). The new period of transpolitical wars is characterized as logistical and uses weapons of communication (telephone, radar, satellites, information carriers), which emerged due to global information networks and tele-surveillance. The turning point of modern epoch is the integration of media and industrial army, where the capability to war without war manifests a parallel information market of propaganda, illusion, dissimulation (Viril io, 2002: 17). The image prevails over the real space and substitutes it, changes the landscape from physical to audiovisual by technological accelerants satellites, internet and high-quality video on TV. The level of media influence is dependent on the communication forms, in which it is carried, because it is possible to frame the report, provided with knowledge of certain mediums advantages (Cottle, 2003). Television with live broadcast and reliance on spectacular images, simulacra, is in these terms the best communication weapon. It makes inefficient the object, but concentrates on its representation; it is not a reality, but a construction of it (Webster, 2002). TV news is often watched with the belief that it indicates, the reality, but in fact it is a version of events, shaped by journalists values and morality. The whole reality begins and ends on television screens, and any critical attitude emerges not an original version of event, but creates other symbolic representation in live images (Webster, 2002). According to Virilio (2002), the live image attracts not critiques, but emotion, apprehension. Thus it involves the spectator to the situation, makes him dependent on televi sual interface, even if the problem doesnt concern him directly. All these advantages were used strategically for the first time in the Gulf War, which Baudrillard (1995) called both a non-existing and a first television war. Gulf War 1991: the first television war Three essays of Baudrillard, referred to events in Iraq during January and February 1991, were published originally in the Liberation and the Guardian and lately collected in one book The Gulf War did not take place. Before the actual war, during the strengthening of American military and propaganda, he claimed that the Gulf War will not take place in reality. During the military actions his catchy slogan was that the Gulf War is not taking place and right after the operation he said that the Gulf War hadnt taken place, because the Western public perceived it just as a series of hyperreal TV images. For Baudrillard, media and especially television do not provide the opportunities for effective communication. Television is the technology of non-communication because it limits the interaction needed for symbolic exchange by giving the large amounts of signs impossible to critically analyze and react (Groening, 2007). A war demands a struggle between counterparts, exchange, communicatio n and interaction (Webster, 2002), while Baudrillard (1995) argued that the USA overloaded the symbolic communication space in this war and moreover, the goals of George Bush and Saddam Hussein were so different that they couldnt even be considered as counterparts. Hussein, a former US ally, was not regarded as the real enemy, and the outcome of the war was predictable both for participants and for audience of war (Mann, n.d.). Researchers express the controversial idea that bombing was the most precise in history and civilian casualties thus were minimized (Kellner, 2008). Consequently, the war can be regarded as hyperreal and overloaded by media provocations. The Gulf War was understood by Paul Virilio (2002) also as a turning point in history. He called it the first information war of images, media-staged event or the first electronic war in the form of televised series, broadcast live by satellite. The difference is that Virilio accepted the idea that the war really had taken place, but it moved to the fourth front of communication weapons and instant information. He warned about the doubling of the front, a communication between place of action the Middle East and place of its immediate reception the whole world, which extends widely over the Iraqi-Saudi border. Turning the battlefield into a theatre with the symbolic counterparts- Hussein and CNN emerges the risk of turning TV audience into fans on the stadium, counting casualties like goals of the favorite team. In comparison with Baudrillard, Virilio considers TV as establishing interactivity between those making war and those watching it. But he has the same idea about the role of common people in war impotent tele-spectators, victims of intelligent weapons and the people who serve them (Virilio, 2002: 47). It is obvious that Baudrillard didnt intend to act like a devils advocate and decline the existence of the Gulf War. He agrees that a massive bombing of military and civil objects took place in Iraq in 1991. And lately he (2002) told readers that official casualties in Iraq were estimated in order of 100Â  000, not counting the losses due to consequent hunger and diseases. But the question is why so few US soldiers died in this war, that it was named a war of zero casualties on the side of allies (Virilio, 2002: 97). After analyzing Baudrillards work, it becomes clear, that despite a catchy slogan in title, in fact the author compares real events with their interpretation, and the central conclusion is that the consequence of real events could hardly be named a war, while a consequence of those events representations was perceived as a real war. This effect was a main reason why he called a Gulf War the first and the perfect television war. US-led coalition relied highly on the television. On the first night of military operation, in Kourou, Ariane rocket launched two broadcasting satellites (Virilio, 2002), and it was a sign of parallel intervention of real forces and television. The leaders decisions were significantly based on intelligence reports, coming not from eye-witnesses, but from news and images. Bush recruited CNN and its owner Ted Turner to transit messages to Iraqi people and thus held diplomacy through interposed images (Virilio, 2002). Coalition forces were ordered not to get engaged in the direct battles with Iraqi army, but to use the means of virtual war in response to Iraqi attempts to turn the conflict into traditional. After interviewing soldiers, who were on the battlefield, Baudrillard (1995) claimed that the Western TV channels, especially CNN, offered audience highly edited reports from Iraq under the shape of live feeds. ABC News through life coverage of the Gulf War convinced the nation that Star Wars works (Bass, 2002). But Hussein used media even more cynically, creating a consequence of the images of hostages and the crying children. Attractive simulacra with no meaning behind were promoted by media of both sides: the CNN journalists with the gas masks in the Jerusalem, drugged and beaten prisoners on Iraqi TV, sea-bird covered in oil and pointing eyes into the Gulf sky (Baudrillard, 1995) and the quintessential symbol the Stealth F117, undetectable bomber, that nobody have seen, but everyone knew. The first object, destructed by F117, was also symbolic the building of Hussein forces communication centre (Virilio, 2002). The effect could be correlated with the essence of the conflicts media coverage: it is possible to see it only in time it happens, there is no time to prepare for it and no sense to watch it afterwards. As the victims of F117 see it just in the moment of action, viewers see the live broadcasts at the same time with the military journalists. The last reasons for perceiving the Gulf War as a television war are its results. Baudrillard and Virilio agreed that nobody fully lost or won in the conflict. Defeated in fact, Hussein remained in power and moreover won the information war. In spite of abilities given by Pentagon, CNN lost that television war, because American government issued a document, restricting the real time of operations from the TV present time (Virilio, 2002). Trying to prevent the American audience from communication weapons of Iraq, US officially imposed censorship and turned the public to the search for new information sources. To conclude, Iraq in 1991 was a place not of real war, but of massive violence and a remote enough zone for creating simulacra and holding a perfect television war. The TV Gulf War could have seemed a perfect simulacrum, a hyperreal situation. It is possible to partially agree with Baudrillards and Virilios argumentation, as it may be really the first example in the war history, when the TV technologies were used as a competent weapon and the whole war was spectacled on TV. But from the humane point of view, the statement the Gulf War did not take place undermines the seriousness of the Iraqi civilians massacre, the consequences for the political situation in Iraq and such consequence as the spread of international terrorism, which now is often perceived as the same symbolic non-event (Baudrillard, 2002): it catches the eye on TV screen when happening somewhere, but is not fully understood as possible to happen with the viewer. Nevertheless, Baudrillards theory is useful for understa nding representations of other modern wars, for example, the recent conflict between Georgia, South Ossetia and Russia. South Ossetia 2008 media war Conflict in South Ossetia will remain in the history of the post-Soviet area as a first war, which media helped to spread from the inter-country to cross-continental level. Known as Georgian-Ossetian war, the conflict in August 2008 turned into confrontation between Georgia and USA on one side and Russia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia on the other. On the 8 August Georgia started a bombing of its separatist region South Ossetia. The next day Russia deployed troops in Ossetia and started military operation against Georgia. The USA government expressed eagerness to intervene, but on the 16 August the ceasefire was signed. The actual political result is recognizing the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia from Georgia by several countries, leading by Russia, and high tensions in the region. The number of casualties is still discussed and differs from 160 to 2000 on Ossetian side and from 60 to 400 on Georgian. Baudrillards concept of hyperreal television war is the perfect way of understanding this simulacra-rich conflict. The date of its beginning was a sign itself it was the day of opening the Olympic Games in Beijing, when by ancient traditions all the conflicts should be postponed. The violation of symbolic tradition instantly attracted the attention of worlds media. Artillery system Grad, used by Georgian forces as well as totally destructed building of hospital in Ossetian capital Tskhinvali, became symbols of civilian massacre. The anecdotic situation, when American audience mixed the Georgia as the Caucasus country and the US state, and started panics, was spread by media. Russian media discussed the interview with the 12-year-old ossetian girl on the Fox News, where she accuses Georgia, while being roughly interrupted by the journalist (Kukolevsky, 2008). And even unaware people remember Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili, nervously chewing his necktie during the live TV inte rview. All those images were born by the war, which Georgian minister Temur Yakobashvili called a war for international public opinion (Collin, 2008). The media became a crucial battlefield in the conflict between Tbilisi and Moscow. The Georgian side claimed that it tried to reconquer its territory while Russian troops illegally invaded into it. Russians responded that Georgian government organized genocide, while Russian mission was to enforce peace. Both sides accused each other of spending millions of dollars on propaganda. Both sides even employed European PR agencies to promote their viewpoint. Georgia, backed by Western allies, from the beginning dominated in the information war. Started with cyberattacks and blocking of Russian TV, it used the help of USA and Great Britain, who didnt engage into real conflict, but actively engaged in the information one. All the leading global media CNN, Fox News, BBC, Sky News, Reuters, Associated Press were pro-Georgian. For example, Sky News showed a video report about the bombings of Tskhinvali by Georgian troops with a title Russia bombs the Georgian region South Ossetia (InoSmi, 2008; CNN, 2008). Georgia used a main advantage of Baudrillards television war that the world revealed the war from TV news. European audience, unaware of remote Caucasus regions, didnt know that some American and European correspondents presented the videos from Ossetian Tskinvali as the videos from Georgia (Vesti, 2009). Even Russian Foreign minister Sergej Lavrov agreed, that Russia lost that information war, but presented it as evidence, that Russia i s not an aggressor, otherwise it would have prepared a successful strategy (RIA Novosti, 2008). Nevertheless, I consider the results of Russian-Georgian information war as controversial as the results of real week-long conflict. The aim of attracting Western support wasnt achieved by any side. For example, German press claimed the conflict broadened the tensions between Russia and the West (Mannteufel, 2008), while some of British media found evidence of Georgia being an aggressor, guilty in war crimes (Milne, 2008). Some analysts consider Georgian media campaign as more effective because, for example, English-speaking ministers were always available for interview (Collin, 2008), but the media coverage was often favorable to Russia. The Russian strategy in this war could have been more effective, if used the overviewed simulacra images actively, because they all were really catchy and could influence the target audiences. Also Russia could have provided the world media with evidence of Georgian genocide by opening an access to a war zone for journalists. Moreover, it could be useful to prepare a strategic crisis communication plans for the possible conflicts of this kind. But anyway, the negative image of Russia, popular among Western media, could undermine by now any communication efforts. To change the situation, Russia should become a part of global media system, which is impossible because of American domination. The main idea of case study is that in August 2008 South Ossetia became a centre not of a real war, which ended in one week, but of an information war, which lasts till now. On this battlefield a little Georgia, backed by Western transnational media, can beat the huge Russia and create herself an image of a victim of Russian military machine (Zinenko, 2008). Thus it proves the thesis of Baudrillard and Virilio, that the wars of new generation are being won or lost in the space of media and information technologies. Conclusion The theoretical concepts of information and especially television wars by Baudrillard and Virilio, engaged in the essay with the real wars in Iraq 1991 and South Ossetia 2008, emerge the question of what Kellner (2005) calls a centrality of media politics in advanced foreign policy. Of course, the idea of hyperreal television war is an ideal model, and by now there was no conflict that has been totally televisual. Critiques of Baudrillard draw an attention to his hyper-postmodern approach (Hegarty, 2004) or lack of meaningful political engagement (Economic expert, n.d.). Nevertheless, the fact remains in both analyzed war cases and in numerous other conflicts of the last decades the media opened the fourth front, created a hyperreal space of mutual information attacks and marketing-style campaigns, used the simulacra-like images to influence the audience and to attract it to one side. Moreover, media become a means of searching allies or oppositely turn back to life the old confrontations, like in case of South Ossetia they emerged a new spiral of Cold War between Russia and the USA (RIA Novosti, 2008). Consequently, the governments of new generation should consider media campaigns as a part of any successful military operations, and the people, who dont want to be manipulated be spectacular images, should try to be less ignorant and more human-oriented.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Pre 1914 Poetry :: English Literature

English GCSE Coursework – Pre1914 Poetry How does Hardy portray the themes of loss and loneliness in his poems? I am going to be comparing three of Thomas Hardy’s poems. These poems are: Where The Picnic Was, The Voice and Neutral Tones. Hardy was writing in a time when women could not vote. Women were second-class citizens who mainly stayed in the home. During the time when Hardy was writing, it was very difficult for a woman to divorce a man. The only way the woman would be able to divorce the man was only if she could prove cruelty. However, unlike women, a man could divorce his wife just like that with a minor reason. Thomas Hardy himself believed in marriage but only if people had similar interests. If people grew apart, he believed that they should be allowed to divorce. Hardy married twice in his lifetime. In 1874, Hardy married Emma Lavinia Gifford. She convinced him to start writing. Emma Hardy could not have children but still, Hardy continued the marriage without divorcing. On November 27th 1912, Emma Hardy died after being married for 38 years. Two years later, Hardy married his secretary, Florence Emily Dugdale. She was 35 and he was 74. She acted as his companion and housekeeper. The poems I have chosen to compare were all written after Emma’s death. Where The Picnic Was is basically talking about a picnic he had been on with Emma. He explains how it was in a secluded area were hardly anyone went. The title suggests happy as you normally go for a picnic in summer or spring, it also suggests that he went with someone like family or someone he was in love with, it mainly suggests love, but it also suggest looking back because of the ‘was’ in the title. All the poems do not contain the same content but overall relate to the death of Emma and looking back at good times. The mood of this poem changes as it goes on. In the first verse of the poem, it is a happy mood, but gradually the mood changes in verse 2 and in verse 3, the mood is oriented on the death of Emma and less on natural setting. Happiness in the first verse is shown in this quote. ‘In the summer time’. The sadness in the third verse is shown in this quote, ‘Where no picnics are, And one – has shut her eyes’. This reflects how Hardy is feeling because this is a one of the things he uses to reflect his mood. The theme of this poem is a place of

Friday, October 11, 2019

College Bubble Essay

Since we were young, we’ve been told that with hard work and determination in high school we would one day make it to college. Once there, if we succeeded with graduating, we’d get a degree which would lead to a well paying career that would allow us to invest in our future. With college debt now leading in the nation’s debt with the growing amount of 830 million dollars, we are stuck asking. Why is the college-loan system failing? The College Bubble was a term used to explain the effect of the nation’s current financial crisis and college tuition constantly on the rise. That is was creating the bubble of debt that will eventually burst. College tuition rates have sky rocketed up 29% in the last 5 years. The average school year for a standard four year, for-profit college now costs $27,293 and on average only 2/3 students graduating due to not being to afford their college education. With the economy in a recession and lossing over 8 million jobs between the years of 07-09, graduates are struggling in the job market, as well as paying off their student loans. (NIA) During the beginning of the recession, many induristes felt the collapsing of the economy. Induristes like the stock market, real estate and even oil! All induristes but two, healthcare and colleges. During this difficult time, colleges are prospering at student’s expense and graduates are not seeing the benefit. Only making the expenditure of college and the hard work of graduates, a poor investment. The government has tried to help students with government aid and programs for low-income graduates, but has failed to fix the problem. College’s are charging to much for an education that even with government aid and loans, can not be affordable or paid off by a graduate in this struggling economy. College loan system is failing students due to a endeavoring economy, over college spending causing higher tuition rates, depleting wages and decling job market. College tuition and the loan system in place to fund it, must be modified to compensate in order to lower student debt. College tuition has obviously raised to unmanagable amounts for college students but why? It is due to the college arm race. Colleges are currently spending huge amounts of money into their campuses and recectional actividies in order to encourage more students, which also means more money. Ohio University economics professor, Richard Vedder was quoted saying, â€Å"Every campus has [to have] its climbing wall, you cannot have a campus without a climbing wall†(5). In 2009 alone, colleges spent a total of 10. 7 billion dollars on contruction of new facilities like gyms and nicer dorms in an afford to recruit more students. (NIA). Students will pay more money to attend a college that has a favorite college sports teams. When it comes to NCAA coaches, Brady and Jody stated statisticly the average salary for a NCAA football coach was is $1. 47 million in 2011. Which in the last six season was a climb up nearly 55% (2). If teams meet performance goals, coaches will, in addition, receive bonuses. Such expenses made by colleges for sport teams, maybe a leisure for a student but how does this help them with a better quality education or with their cribbling debt? Students are paying for something that in no way betters their education, just the notarity of the college. College have found many ways to capitalize of their students in order to afford such expenditures. Some 4 year colleges require that you must be on campus for your first two years of attending with them. Room and board cost an average of $8,887 in the school year of 2011-12, that is up 4% since last year (College Board). It would make sense why they would require that you to stay on campus, if it only put more money into their pockets. College books are another expense of students, colleges are benefitting from. Books are also required by college’s in order to attend classes and are not included in tuition. The cost of college books has tripled in the last 10 years, costing an average of $200 dollars (NIA). College’s will publish their own books, require students to buy them, then update or revise them every year to make the book obsolete causing students to have to by new one’s every year and making the resale of them, nonexistent! College’s will work with publishers and recieve kick backs for using books they publish. Adminstation for college also feel the advantage of higher tuition rates. The president of Yale salary has tripled from $591,709 in 2000, to 1. 63 million in 2009. (5) With the average cost of graduating at a 4 year college at $27,293 a year, it is easy to see who is truly profitting from an attending and/or graduated student. Colleges are captializing of students in a poor economy and once out of college, their is no guarentee employment will be waiting. In 2008, American’s lost over 10. 4 trillion dollars in the financial crisis. Between 2008-2010 over 8. 3 millions of jobs were lost. The government tried bailing out the country with a 4. 6 trillion dollars and was only able to recover 1. 1 million jobs, . 9% percent of jobs. That is 4 million dollars in cost for each job recovered (NIA). Boyce Watkins, a finance professor at Syracuse University is quoted saying, â€Å"[College] is certainly an investment. The question is whether or not you get your return on that investment in actual financial capital†¦ [and] this blanket notion that going to college will guarantee you a better economic future is not always true†(3). In 2009, the numbers were at 12. 5 million umemployed, that is 8. 1 percent of the American population. The numbers have contuning to raise leaving the total count of unemployed at 17. 5 million. With unemployment at the highest its ever been in the last 25 years (6), it’s easy to see that even with the investment of college education, the job market is not in a state of stablity leaving the college graduate to take a minimal paying jobs, move trades, or move altogether to an area in which is hiring. All in which is at a cost to them. â€Å"Many people can’t afford to move, so they need jobs to come to them. This is one of the least discussed, most challenging problems in the labor market right now†¦ This is the largest annual jump in the number of unemployed since the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics began tabulationg this data just after World War 11. Most of the unemployed—62. 3 percent—are out of work because they lost their job, higher than any point since 1982†³ quoted Heather Boushey, a senior economist at the liberal Center for American Progress (7). College graduates not only face the outragous cost of tuition but once finishing their degree they are stuck in a dead end job market. With both college tuition and unemployment at record highs, it is not hard to see that why the college loan system is failing. What once was the american dream has now turned into american’s debt. With college spending to much on non-educational expenses and leaving their students to flip the bill in this economic downfall, its no wonder the college loan system is not helping the college graduate. The college loan system has to look to not only take into consideration the economy’s state but the own college’s spending. While the nation is trying to recover and grow from the current recession it is important to recognize that student borrowing is working against our economic interests and the source of why that is happening. In order for the college graduate to pay of their debt, there must be employment after college and if that is not an guarenteed, college’s must reevaluate their expenditures. Until the economy recovers from its current crisis, student debt will only worsen and end up not only cost the american graduate but the nation as a total.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Public Administration and Management: Advantages and Disadvantages of Partnerships in Terms of Improving Service Delivery and Accountability

Before weighing the pros and cons a partnership may bring in terms of improving service delivery and accountablity in public administration, definitions and more information regarding the topic must be laid out. Public administration is generally defind as the development, implementation and study of government policy.For the good of the public, it highlights civil society and social justice. It is also historically referred to as government management, it calls for non- government organizations that do not act out of self- interest.It has become area of discussion which talks about the meaning and purpose of government, bureaucracy, budgets, governance, and public affairs tha take place. Public management that hand in hand works with public administration in achieving public good is the economically driven side of operation of government.It attempts to reemphasize the professional nature of both fields that are connected with one another. Government and non-profit organizations woul d then resemble private sectors in some ways. Even with management tools which are appropriate for public and private domains, there are still differences that make public administration different from being a private sector for it emphasizes the social and cultural drivers of government that many contend (e.g. Graham T. Allison and Charles Goodsell).What should always be kept in mind is that there is always a need for a quality system of public management. This system has to deliver quality and speedy service to the citizens that it serves.When this can be done, a country may progress and prosper. Even after introducing public service reforms such as long queues, delays and bad attitudes of workers towards work and clients, there is still poor service delivery making the objective stated unachieved.Also, another explanation is maybe due to the lack of accountability wherein officials are not always accountable for their work, either to parliament or the citizens concerned. It is im portant that the public service both delivers what is expected of them to the public and at the same time be accountable for the work that they do.To further explain, for any government service, it is fundamental to have a service delivery. Citizens look up to government and its department for their needs and for any services they may need. What of then about public service?It has to fulfill the government’s broad economic and social objective in formulating economic and social policies and implementing public programs which will be used to achieve what is needed.Then it must be asked whether the public service has fulfilled their duties and satisfying citizens’ needs and expectations and whether the service they have delivered is quick, reliable and effective. Meanwhile accountability is imperative as a means in providing quality public service. It is how public bodies should be handled.

Implementation Failures

Misti Whitehead HCS/483 Week 4 IT Project Implementation Failures Jason Koller January 7, 2013 Similarities As I circle the date on my calendar of May 26, I am reminded of what needs to be done to prepare for my son’s 5th birthday party. I go over the theme of the party and figure out what activities will be played. I think about who will be invited and how many gift bags I will make. I also pick the location of the party and figure out how much money I will spend on this special occasion, even though I usually spend more than what I’m budgeting for.I plan out what foods will be served and where I will be getting the birthday cake from. I brainstorm on if I will have it outside or inside and determine issues that may arise on that certain day. I communicate with my parents to see if they will blow the balloons up before the party and help us with set up of the party decorations. Like party planning the implementation process for health care IT systems take a great deal of preparing, brainstorming, planning, budgeting, and communication to successfully implement new IT systems in a health care organization. Implementation ProcessThe implementation process is essential when adopting a new IT system into your health care organization. â€Å"Selecting the right system does not ensure user acceptance and success; the system must also be incorporated effectively into the day-to-day operations of the health care organization and adequately supported or maintained† (Wager, Lee, & Glaser, 2009, â€Å"Implementation Process†). Activities of implementing the new system includes organizing a team and identifying a system champion that is in charge of determining expectations and scope of the project and figures out a project plan.The team plans what task need to be completed, how much money should be spent on this project, how to manage the project until completion. The system champion needs to understand and recognize the needs of the organizat ion and have a passion for the new system being implemented. They should be someone who is easy to get along with and have great communication skills. They should also be a good listener and critical thinker when issues arise. Determining the scope of the project is super important and it lays out why the system is needed and how it will change the organization.Once the goals of the project are agreed on the next step of the project is to plan. Project planning includes listing tasks, estimating how much time will be spent on tasks, the sequence and coordination of tasks, and who will be performing these tasks. Evaluating the completion and success of the project has to be arranged to ensure accuracy on the project. The next step is to brainstorm on how to integrate the new system into the organization, through workflow process analysis. Making sure everyone is on the same page is essential when collaborating.Communication between groups and projects is a part of that collaboration to ensure success. Changes and setbacks need to be communicated through different groups so that everyone is aware of what concerns and issues need to be addressed. Identifying the reason for the new system is extremely important to improve workflow in your organization. Installation of hardware, software, and networks is the next step along with creating a manual for all staff to review so they have support when they cannot figure out how to work the new system.Testing the system for bugs and effectiveness is another essential process of implementation. Training staff is next and helps to ensure their understanding and of the new IT system. Training allows the trainer to â€Å"introduce fundamental or basic concepts† (Wager, Lee, & Glaser, 2009, â€Å"System Implementation & Support†) needed to operate the new system. Failed Fundamental Activities There are high rates of implementation processes fail due to not following through, evaluating, communication, or planning .This case study that I reviewed failed to organize, evaluate, determine expectations, or establish a plan for the implementation process. They lacked organization and lacked the responsibility of taking on the project. Expectations for each task were not defined and time boundaries were not evaluated after being set. The indicators that I noticed for failure of the process were organization was not ready to implement a new system, there was too much conflict within the rganization, there were unclear and unorganized projects, no one was evaluating these tasks, and concerns and issues were dismissed when brought up. If this were my organization I would have defined tasks, set deadlines, had someone evaluating success of each task, and addressed all issues in a timely manner in order to complete the implementation of the new IT system and ensure it was under budget. References Wager, K. A. , Lee, F. W. , & Glaser, J. P. (2009). Healthcare information systems: A practical approach for health care management (2nd ed. ). Retrieved from www. phoenix. com.