Friday, November 1, 2019

We were soldiers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

We were soldiers - Essay Example The General and his men were killed at the Little Bighorn Battle. An intuitive leader, Lieutenant Colonel Moore manages to accomplish the unfeasible despite being out-numbered by his enemy; Lt. Col. Moore refuses to surrender and ultimately proves victorious after forcing the Vietnamese troops to leave their headquarters. Lieutenant Colonel Moore uses a variety of supervisory techniques in leading his unit to conquest. The first technique that Lt. Col. Moore applies prior to him and his troops getting to the combat zone; is that of leading through example. A leader earns loyalty and respect after setting example so that others follow. This involves a leader practicing what he or she preaches. The night prior to their departure, Lt. Col. Moore conveys a speech to his unit at a party he had held, where he pledges that although he might not bring all his soldiers alive home; he would be the first to enter the battlefield and the last to leave. He adds that, dead or alive, he would not leave any person behind. He makes sure that each of his men is not left at the battlefield after the battle is over, true to what he had promised. During war, Lt. Col. Moore also leads through example many times; for instance, he refuses to surrender and performs other acts of heroism. The second supervisory strategy that is obvious in Lt. Col. Moore’s leadership is that of treating everyone with dignity and respect. In the same message delivered by Lt. Col. Moore to his men, he factors out that every man in his unit, despite his origin or race, is an essential participant of the troop. â€Å"†¦here in the States some men in this unit may experience discrimination because of race or creed, but for you and me now, all that is gone (Wallace† By guaranteeing that everyone recognized this, Lt. Col. Moore was building assurance, self-respect and team cohesiveness that would go a long way in guaranteeing that his unit members trusted each other. Finally, Lt. Col. Moore is

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